arc 英 [ɑ:k]   美 [ɑrk]


arc  英 [ɑ:k] 美 [ɑrk]

n. 弧(度);弧形物 

进行时:arcking  过去式:arcked  过去分词:arcked  第三人称单数:arcs  名词复数:arcs 

The rainbow described an arc in the sky. 彩虹在天空形成了一道圆弧。
the arc of a rainbow 彩虹的弧形

  • An arc is a curve. You can describe the bend of a rainbow as an arc.
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  • n. 弧(度);弧形物
  • 1. The rainbow described an arc in the sky.


  • 2. the arc of a rainbow


  • 3. The beach swept around in an arc.


arc / ɑːk ; NAmE ɑːrk / noun , verb arc arcs arced arcing noun 1 ( geometry 几何 ) part of a circle or a curved line 2 a curved shape 弧形 the arc of a rainbow 彩虹的弧形 The beach swept around in an arc. 海滩呈弧形伸展开来。 3 ( technical 术语 ) an electric current passing across a space between two terminals 电弧 see also arc lamp verb ( arc·ing / ˈɑːkɪŋ ; NAmE ˈɑːrkɪŋ / , arced , arced / ɑːkt ; NAmE ɑːrkt / ) ( technical 术语 ) 1 [intransitive ] to move in the shape of an arc 作弧形运动 2 [intransitive ] to form an electric arc 形成电弧 arc / ɑːk ; NAmE ɑːrk / arc·ing / ˈɑːkɪŋ ; NAmE ˈɑːrkɪŋ / arced / ɑːkt ; NAmE ɑːrkt /
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