- Aquarium can either describe a small tank, or an entire building that houses fish and other aquatic life. Your goldfish will probably feel right at home in the aquarium that's sitting on your desk, but a whale would be better off in a big aquarium where people buy tickets to see marine life.
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- n. 水族馆;养鱼池;玻璃缸
1. Unfortunately for the aquarium, valuable pearls come from a different species of oyster.
2. Recently the bakers created an octopus complete with tentacles and suckers for a charity event held for a local aquarium.
3. In Amsterdam the girls all stand in the windows shimmering as tantalising as tropical fish beyond the gleam of aquarium glass.
- aquarium (n.) 1830, noun use of neuter of Latin aquarius "pertaining to water," as a noun, "water-carrier," genitive of aqua "water" (from PIE root *akwa- "water"). The word existed in Latin, but there it meant "drinking place for cattle." Originally especially for an artificial pond growing aquatic plants. An earlier attempt at a name for "fish tank" was marine vivarium.
aquar·ium / əˈkweəriəm ; NAmE əˈkweriəm / noun ( plural aquar·iums or aqua·ria / əˈkweəriə ; NAmE əˈkweriə / ) 1 a large glass container in which fish and other water creatures and plants are kept 养鱼缸;水族玻璃槽 2 a building where people can go to see fish and other water creatures 水族馆 aquarium aquaria aquariums aquar·ium / əˈkweəriəm ; NAmE əˈkweriəm / aqua·ria / əˈkweəriə ; NAmE əˈkweriə /
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