approved school [əˈpru:vd sku:l]  

approved school

approved school  [əˈpru:vd sku:l]

phrase. 工读学校;少年罪犯感化院 

Enroll in more than one INS approved school where joint credits total full time. 报名参加一个以上移民局认可的学校 , 联合信贷总额全职。
The kindergarten's application for fee revision for 2007/08 school year is under processing. The approved school fees will be uploaded to the web-version once ready. 幼稚园调整2007/08学年学费的申请,现正在处理当中。当审核完成,获批核的学费将在网上版上显示。

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  • phrase. 工读学校;少年罪犯感化院
  • 1. Enroll in more than one INS approved school where joint credits total full time.

    报名参加一个以上移民局认可的学校 , 联合信贷总额全职。

  • 2. The kindergarten's application for fee revision for 2007/08 school year is under processing. The approved school fees will be uploaded to the web-version once ready.


  • 3. The prescribed examination may be conducted and certificates granted either directly by the competent authority or subject to its control by an approved school for the training of cooks.


apˈproved school / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) a school where young people who had committed crimes were sent in the past (旧时的)少年犯教养院,少年感化院 apˈproved school / ; NAmE /
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