appreciatively [ə'pri:ʃiətivli]  


appreciatively  [ə'pri:ʃiətivli]

adv. 欣赏地,赞赏地;感激地 

They appreciatively attribute what they eat every day, from different kinds of new vegetables to new fish varieties, to the efforts of scientists. 人们总是对科学家的工作充满感激,因为是他们的努力才使得自己每天能吃到各种各样的新品种蔬菜或是新的鱼类。
She eyed Obi-Wan appreciatively before setting down the dishes and helping Luke into the high chair. 在放下盘子,帮着把卢克抱到高脚椅上之前,她颇为赞赏地打量了一下奥比万。

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  • adv. 欣赏地,赞赏地;感激地
  • 1. They appreciatively attribute what they eat every day, from different kinds of new vegetables to new fish varieties, to the efforts of scientists.


  • 2. She eyed Obi-Wan appreciatively before setting down the dishes and helping Luke into the high chair.


  • 3. Members of the New York Gastronauts, a club for adventurous eaters, they murmur appreciatively as they scoop out and swallow the grayish, slightly greasy insect flesh.


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