appreciably 英 [ə'priːʃ(ɪ)əblɪ]  


appreciably  英 [ə'priːʃ(ɪ)əblɪ]

adv. 明显地;相当地;可察觉地 

He said that China's "macro tax burden" was 18% of GDP--a bit less than in the average developing country and appreciably below that of developed nations. 他指出中国的“宏观税收负担”是国内生产总值的18%,略低于发展中国家的平均水平,明显低于发达国家水平。
Since the world as a whole is likely to suffer an economic downturn, it is not clear that the Chinese or Russian models will fare appreciably better than the American version. 由于总体上很可能世界将经历经济低迷时期,不清楚的是中国或者俄罗斯模式是否对美国模式明显占优。

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  • adv. 明显地;相当地;可察觉地
  • 1. He said that China's "macro tax burden" was 18% of GDP--a bit less than in the average developing country and appreciably below that of developed nations.


  • 2. Since the world as a whole is likely to suffer an economic downturn, it is not clear that the Chinese or Russian models will fare appreciably better than the American version.


  • 3. Most business analysts for the drugstore industry have stated that even when a nations economy is weak, drugstores profits are unlikely to decline appreciably.


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