appearance money 英 [əˈpiərəns ˈmʌni]   美 [əˈpɪrəns ˈmʌni]

appearance money

appearance money  英 [əˈpiərəns ˈmʌni] 美 [əˈpɪrəns ˈmʌni]

indeed, the critic Lionel Trilling observed that “the novel is born with the appearance of money as a social element. 事实上,评论家莱昂内尔·特里林观察到“小说与生俱来携带着作为社会因素的金钱的出现”。
Why, they gave him one week´s holiday less than they needed to or should have done simply so that he could earn them the full amount of their appearance money in the US and Mexico on tour. 为什么巴萨只给了他低于必须或应该给他的只有一周的假期(指巴萨给小罗的假期应该大于一周)来使他为巴萨在美国和墨西哥的巡回赛中赚取全额的出场费?

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  • 1. indeed, the critic Lionel Trilling observed that “the novel is born with the appearance of money as a social element.


  • 2. Why, they gave him one week´s holiday less than they needed to or should have done simply so that he could earn them the full amount of their appearance money in the US and Mexico on tour.


  • 3. The appearance of money is an important factor in the development of the social economic relation.


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