appeal court 英 [əˈpi:l kɔ:t]   美 [əˈpil kɔrt]

appeal court

appeal court  英 [əˈpi:l kɔ:t] 美 [əˈpil kɔrt]

phrase. 上诉法院 

Is it worth pointing out that this is after the appeal court had delivered its verdict? 在上诉法院已经宣布了审判结果后,再如此这般地说这些话到底值不值得呢?
The appeal court rejected the appeal on a technicality. 上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。

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  • phrase. 上诉法院
  • 1. Is it worth pointing out that this is after the appeal court had delivered its verdict?


  • 2. The appeal court rejected the appeal on a technicality.


  • 3. The appeal court rejiected the appeal on a tenchnicality.


apˈpeal court / ; NAmE / noun 1 = court of appeal 2 Apˈpeals Court [countable ] ( US) = Court of Appeals apˈpeal court / ; NAmE /
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