apart from  

apart from

apart from 

phrase. 除…之外;且不说;并且 

But then there is only one thing and nothing can exist apart from itself. 但是,只有一件事,没有任何事物能够脱离自身而存在。
Apart from that, my first break was writing my book about my experience in the Peace Corps. 如果不算这些,我的第一个突破应该是写书,那本关于和平队经历的书。

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  • phrase. 除…之外;且不说;并且
  • 1. But then there is only one thing and nothing can exist apart from itself.


  • 2. Apart from that, my first break was writing my book about my experience in the Peace Corps.


  • 3. What has happened to the youth of this generation, which has set it so far apart from the rest?


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