antiterrorism [,ænti'terərizəm]  


antiterrorism  [,ænti'terərizəm]

n. 反恐怖主义 


A de facto ban already exists in Italy (where a 1975 antiterrorism law forbids the covering of the face) and Berlusconi's party has drafted a new, more specific ruling. 意大利已经存在相关的禁令(1975年的反恐怖主义法禁止遮盖脸部),贝卢斯科尼的党派已经起草了一份新文件,其条例更具体。
antiterrorism laws adopted in much of the world since 2001 have expanded law enforcement and intelligence authority to intercept communications through wiretapping and similar means. 自2001年以来,世界很多地方颁布的反恐怖主义法扩大了执法和情报机关通过窃听以及类似手段截获通讯内容的权力。

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  • n. 反恐怖主义
  • 1. A de facto ban already exists in Italy (where a 1975 antiterrorism law forbids the covering of the face) and Berlusconi's party has drafted a new, more specific ruling.


  • 2. antiterrorism laws adopted in much of the world since 2001 have expanded law enforcement and intelligence authority to intercept communications through wiretapping and similar means.


  • 3. Today, as an adviser to Indonesia's antiterrorism squad, Special Detachment 88, Nasir visits ex-comrades in jail to persuade them to cooperate and speaks critically of Jemaah Islamiah in the media.

    今天,作为印度尼西亚反恐怖主义组织特别分队88号的顾问,Nasir探访监狱里的前同事们,并试图说服他们进行合作。 他还在媒体上对伊斯兰祈祷团进行批评。

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