



Oliver Stone has apologised for comments about the Holocaust made in an interview with the Sunday Times that US Jewish groups have condemned as antisemitic. 奥利弗斯通为他与星期日泰晤士报访谈中,关于二战犹太人大屠杀的不当言论,公开致歉。
And, last but not least, Breivik is antisemitic but pro-Israel, as the state of Israel is the first line of defence against the Muslim expansion – he even wants to see the Jerusalem temple rebuilt. 最后并且同样重要的一点,布雷维克是反犹主义的亲以色列分子,因为以色列是抵御穆斯林扩张的第一线——他甚至想看耶路撒冷圣殿被重建。

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  • 1. Oliver Stone has apologised for comments about the Holocaust made in an interview with the Sunday Times that US Jewish groups have condemned as antisemitic.


  • 2. And, last but not least, Breivik is antisemitic but pro-Israel, as the state of Israel is the first line of defence against the Muslim expansion – he even wants to see the Jerusalem temple rebuilt.


  • 3. In 2004 when searches for the word "Jew" returned antisemitic website results Google responded with a similar approach.


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