answer for 英 [ˈɑ:nsə fɔ:]   美 [ˈænsɚ fɔr]

answer for

answer for  英 [ˈɑ:nsə fɔ:] 美 [ˈænsɚ fɔr]

phrase. 因……而受罚;对……负责 

Quite frankly, I do not have a direct answer for you. 相当坦率地说,我没有一个直接的答案给你。
There is no universal answer for this one, either, but I have a couple of suggestions to make. 同样地,对于这个问题,也没有什么统一的答案。 不过我还是可以给些建议的。

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  • phrase. 因……而受罚;对……负责
  • 1. Quite frankly, I do not have a direct answer for you.


  • 2. There is no universal answer for this one, either, but I have a couple of suggestions to make.

    同样地,对于这个问题,也没有什么统一的答案。 不过我还是可以给些建议的。

  • 3. You can guess an answer for the first clue. Then you can check your guess with the second clue.


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