annualized ['ænjuə,laizd]  


annualized  ['ænjuə,laizd]

adj. [税收] 按年计算的(利率等),年度化 

We just had the fourth quarter’s GDP number out, annualized down 16.4% over the third quarter. 我们刚刚得到第四季度的国内生产总值,与第三季度相比,年均下降16.4%。
OS level fixes can be planned and should exist as part of the annualized project plan, at least once a quarter. 可以计划操作系统级别的修复程序,并应作为年度化项目规划的一部分存在,至少应每季度一次。

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  • adj. [税收] 按年计算的(利率等),年度化
  • 1. We just had the fourth quarter’s GDP number out, annualized down 16.4% over the third quarter.


  • 2. OS level fixes can be planned and should exist as part of the annualized project plan, at least once a quarter.


  • 3. China is racing ahead. Its economy grew at a 9.6 percent annualized rate in the third quarter while Europe tries to stave off disaster, American unemployment rises and Japan’s living standards slide.


an·nu·al·ized ( BrE also -ised ) / ˈænjuəlaɪzd ; NAmE ˈænjuəlaɪzd / adjective ( technical 术语 ) calculated for a period of a year but based on the amounts for a shorter period 按年度计算的;折算成为年度总额的 annualised annualized an·nu·al·ized / ˈænjuəlaɪzd ; NAmE ˈænjuəlaɪzd /
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