alternately 英 [ɔːl'tɜːnɪtlɪ]   美 ['ɔltɚnɪtli]


alternately  英 [ɔːl'tɜːnɪtlɪ] 美 ['ɔltɚnɪtli]

adv. 交替地;轮流地;隔一个地 

The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately. 部长会每三年举行一届,轮流在中国和非洲国家召开。
The idea is that if a gravitational wave passes through GEO600, it will alternately stretch space in one direction and squeeze it in another. 其基本原理是,当引力波经过GEO600时,它将交替地在一个方向上拉伸空间,在另一个方向上挤压空间。

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  • adv. 交替地;轮流地;隔一个地
  • 1. The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately.


  • 2. The idea is that if a gravitational wave passes through GEO600, it will alternately stretch space in one direction and squeeze it in another.


  • 3. He also claimed that he waskept alternately in suffocating heat and in a painfully cold room, where he wasdoused with ice water.


  • alternately (adv.) early 15c., from alternate (adj.) + -ly (2).
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