all-rounder 英 [ˈɔ:lˈraʊndə]   美 [ˈɔlˈraʊndɚ]


all-rounder  英 [ˈɔ:lˈraʊndə] 美 [ˈɔlˈraʊndɚ]

n. 多面手;全能型选手 


The young performer boasted himself to be an all-rounder. 这个青年演员自称是个多面手。
He's a typical Etonian, a good all-rounder and one of the best students they've got.' 他是一个典型的伊顿学生,各方面都很突出,是伊顿公学最好的学生之一。

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  • n. 多面手;全能型选手
  • 1. The young performer boasted himself to be an all-rounder.


  • 2. He's a typical Etonian, a good all-rounder and one of the best students they've got.'


  • 3. Would make a good all-rounder = Horse is either easy and willing to turn a hoof to most things, or is not very good at anything.

    会是匹全能型选手= 这匹马很容易就能接受大多数的训练,但啥也不精,啥也不在行。

all-ˈrounder / ; NAmE / noun ( BrE) a person who has many different skills and abilities 多才多艺者;全才;通才 all-rounder all-rounders all-ˈrounder / ; NAmE /
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