alienation 英 [eɪlɪə'neɪʃ(ə)n]  


alienation  英 [eɪlɪə'neɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 异化;疏远;转让;[内科] 精神错乱;间离效果(alienation effect) 


What constitutes the alienation of labor? 是什么构成了劳动的异化呢?
One surprising answer, in this age of alienation, is a lack of solitude. 在这个疏远的时代,一个令人惊讶的答案就是“缺乏必要的孤独”。

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  • n. 异化;疏远;转让;[内科] 精神错乱;间离效果(alienation effect)
  • 1. What constitutes the alienation of labor?


  • 2. One surprising answer, in this age of alienation, is a lack of solitude.


  • 3. But some do suffer alienation from spouses or friends who don't understand their transformation.


  • alienation (n.) late 14c., "transfer of ownership, action of estranging," from Old French alienacion and directly from Latin alienationem (nominative alienatio) "a transfer, surrender, separation," noun of action from past participle stem of alienare "to make another's, part with; estrange, set at variance," from alienus "of or belonging to another person or place," from alius "another, other, different," from PIE root *al- (1) "beyond."
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