- Alert! Alert! Alert! Did I get your attention? When you are alert, you are awake and ready. When you issue an alert you give warning, alerting people to, or notifying them of, a concern.
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- vt. 警告;使警觉,使意识到
- adj. 警惕的,警觉的;留心的
- n. 警戒,警惕;警报
1. They were quiet during the alert.
2. Hearing this, I was instantly on the alert.
3. The cat is alert to every sound and movement.
- alert (adv.) "on the watch," 1610s, from French alerte "vigilant" (17c.), from prepositional phrase à l'erte "on the watch," from Italian all'erta "to the height." Second element from erta "lookout, high tower," noun use of fem. of erto, past participle of ergere "raise up," from Latin erigere "raise" (see erect (adj.)).
alert / əˈlɜːt ; NAmE əˈlɜːrt / adjective , verb , noun alert alerts alerted alerting adjective 1 able to think quickly; quick to notice things 警觉的;警惕的;戒备的 ◆ Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert. 突然他发觉自己醒了过来,而且高度警觉。 ◆ Two alert scientists spotted the mistake. 两个警觉的科学家发现了这个错误。 2 alertto sth aware of sth, especially a problem or danger 意识到;注意到 ◆ We must be alert to the possibility of danger. 我们必须认识到危险的可能性。 ▶ alert·ly / əˈlɜːtli ; NAmE əˈlɜːrtli / adjective alert·ness / əˈlɜːtnəs ; NAmE əˈlɜːrtnəs / noun [uncountable ] verb [often passive ] 1 alertsb (to do sth) | alertsb (that)… to warn sb about a dangerous or urgent situation 向…报警;使警觉;使警惕;使戒备 ◆ Neighbours quickly alerted the emergency services. 邻居很快向紧急情况中心报了警。 ◆ Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light. 楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。 2 alertsb to sth to make sb aware of sth 使意识到;使认识到 ◆ They had been alerted to the possibility of further price rises. 他们已意识到价格可能继续上涨。 noun 1 [singular , uncountable ] a situation in which people are watching for danger and ready to deal with it 警戒;戒备;警惕 ◆ Police are warning the public to be on the alert forsuspicious packages. 警方警告公众要警惕可疑包裹。 ◆ More than 5 000 troops have been placed on (full) alert. *5 000 多名士兵已处于(全面)戒备状态。 2 [countable ] a warning of danger or of a problem 警报 ◆ a bomb/fire alert 炸弹╱火警警报 ☞see also red alert alert / əˈlɜːt ; NAmE əˈlɜːrt / alert·ly / əˈlɜːtli ; NAmE əˈlɜːrtli / alert·ness / əˈlɜːtnəs ; NAmE əˈlɜːrtnəs /
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