afternoon 英 [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n]   美 [ˌæftərˈnun]


afternoon  英 [ˌɑ:ftəˈnu:n] 美 [ˌæftərˈnun]

n. 午后,下午 


Come over on Sunday afternoon. 星期天下午过来。
In the afternoon they went shopping. 他们下午去购物了。

  • The afternoon is the time of day that starts mid-day and ends in the evening. If you have an afternoon appointment, it's probably some time between 12:00 and 5:00 p.m.
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  • n. 午后,下午
  • 1. Come over on Sunday afternoon.


  • 2. In the afternoon they went shopping.


  • afternoon (n.) "part of the day from noon to evening," c. 1300, from after + noon. In 15c.-16c., the form was at afternoon; from c. 1600 it has been in the afternoon.As an adjective from 1570s. Middle English also had aftermete "afternoon, part of the day following the noon meal" (mid-14c.).
after·noon / ˌɑːftəˈnuːn ; NAmE ˌæftərˈnuːn / noun [uncountable ,  countable ] the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock 下午(中午 12 点至 6 点左右) this/yesterday/tomorrow afternoon 今天╱昨天╱明天下午 In the afternoonthey went shopping. 他们下午去购物了。 She studies art two afternoons a week. 她每周两个下午学习艺术。 Are you ready for this afternoon's meeting? 今天下午的会议你准备好了没有? The baby always has an afternoon nap. 婴儿午后总要睡一会儿。 Come over on Sunday afternoon. 星期天下午过来。 Where were you on the afternoon ofMay 21? *5 月 21 日下午你在哪里? see also good afternoon afternoon afternoons after·noon / ˌɑːftəˈnuːn ; NAmE ˌæftərˈnuːn /
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