after 英 [ˈɑ:ftə(r)]   美 [ˈæftə(r)]


after  英 [ˈɑ:ftə(r)] 美 [ˈæftə(r)]

adv. 后来,以后  prep. 在……之后 

We'll leave after lunch. 我们将在午饭后动身。
Shut the door after you. 随手关门。

  • After is a preposition meaning "later in time" or "behind in space." After many hours of dancing, you'll be sweaty and hungry.
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  • adv. 后来,以后
  • prep. 在……之后
  • 1. We'll leave after lunch.


  • 2. Shut the door after you.


  • 3. He's the tallest, after Richard.


  • 4. day after day of hot weather


  • after (adv., prep.) Old English æfter "behind; later in time" (adv.); "behind in place; later than in time; in pursuit, following with intent to overtake" (prep.), from of "off" (see off (adv.)) + -ter, a comparative suffix; thus the original meaning was "more away, farther off." Compare Old Norse eptir "after," Old Frisian efter, Dutch achter, Old High German aftar, Gothic aftra "behind;" also see aft. Cognate with Greek apotero "farther off," Old Persian apataram "further."
after / ˈɑːftə(r) ; NAmE ˈæftər / preposition , conjunction , adverb , adjective preposition 1 later than sth; following sth in time (时间)在…后 We'll leave after lunch. 我们将在午饭后动身。 They arrived shortly after5. 他们是在 5 点钟刚过到达的。 Not long after thathe resigned. 那以后不久他就辞职了。 Let's meet the day after tomorrow/the week after next. 咱们后天╱下下周再见。 After winning the prize she became famous overnight. 她获奖后一夜之间成名了。 After an hour I went home (= when an hour had passed). 一小时之后我回家了。 ( NAmE) It's ten after seven in the morning (= 7.10 a.m.) 现在是早上七点十分。 2 … after… used to show that sth happens many times or continuously (表示反复不断或一个接着一个) day after day of hot weather 日复一日的炎热天气 I've told you time after time not to do that. 我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。 see also one after another at one 3 behind sb when they have left; following sb 跟随;追赶;在…后面 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 I'm always having to clean up after the children (= clean the place after they have left it dirty and untidy). 孩子们离开以后,我总得打扫一番。 He ran after her with the book. 他拿着那本书在后面追赶她。 She was left staring after him. 她目不转睛地望着他离去的背影。 4 next to and following sb/sth in order or importance (按顺序、重要性)在…后面,仅次于 Your name comes after mine in the list. 在名单上你的名字在我的后面。 He's the tallest, after Richard. 除了理查德,他的个子最高。 After you (= Please go first). 请先走。 After you withthe paper (= Can I have it next?). 报纸你看完了给我看。 5 in contrast to sth 与…对照;与…对比 It was pleasantly cool in the house after the sticky heat outside. 与户外的湿热相比,屋里真是凉爽惬意。 6 as a result of or because of sth that has happened 鉴于;由于 I'll never forgive him after what he said. 由于他说了那些话,我永远也不会原谅他。 7 despite sth; although sth has happened 尽管;即使某事之后 I can't believe she'd do that, not after all I've done for her. 在我为她做了这一切之后,我无法相信她会那样做。 8 trying to find or catch sb/sth 寻找;追捕 The police are after him. 警方正在追捕他。 He's after a job at our place. 他到我们这儿找工作。 9 about sb/sth 关于 She asked after you (= how you were). 她问候你。 10 in the style of sb/sth; following the example of sb/sth 模仿;依照 a painting after Goya 一幅仿戈雅的画 We named the baby ‘Ena’ after her grandmother. 我们以婴儿祖母的名字给婴儿取名“埃娜”。 11 after- ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) happening or done later than the time or event mentioned …后的 after-hours drinking (= after closing time) 打烊时间以后饮酒 an after-school club 课外活动俱乐部 after-dinner mints 餐后薄荷糖 IDIOMS ˌafter ˈall 1 despite what has been said or expected 毕竟;终归 So you made it after all! 你毕竟成功了! 2 used when you are explaining sth, or giving a reason (解释或说明理由)别忘了,到底 He should have paid. He suggested it, after all. 他本来就应该付款,反正他自己也这么提出。 be after doing sth ( IrishE) 1 to be going to do sth soon; to be intending to do sth soon 正要做某事;打算就要做某事 2 to have just done sth 刚做了某事 conjunction at a time later than sth; when sth has finished 在…以后 I'll call you after I've spoken to them. 我和他们谈了以后就给你打电话。 Several years after they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris. 他们离异几年以后在巴黎又偶然相遇。 adverb later in time; afterwards 后来;以后 That was in 1996. Soon after,I heard that he'd died. 那是在 1996 年。不久以后我听说他死了。 I could come next week, or the week after. 我可能下周来,或者再下一周。 And they all lived happily ever after. 从此以后他们都过着幸福的生活。 adjective [only before noun ] ( old use) following; later 后来的;以后的 in after years 在以后的岁月中 after / ˈɑːftə(r) ; NAmE ˈæftər /
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