afford 英 [əˈfɔ:d]   美 [əˈfɔrd]


afford  英 [əˈfɔ:d] 美 [əˈfɔrd]

vt. 给予,提供;买得起 

进行时:affording  过去式:afforded  过去分词:afforded  第三人称单数:affords 

She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. 她觉得再也抽不出时间歇班了。
We can't afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。

  • To afford means you have enough money or time for something. If you only have ten dollars on you, you can't afford to buy a twenty-dollar hat.
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  • vt. 给予,提供;买得起
  • 1. She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work.


  • 2. We can't afford to go abroad this summer.


  • 3. We cannot afford to ignore this warning.


  • 4. We cannot afford any more delays.


  • 5. The tree affords some shelter from the sun.


  • 6. The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience.


  • 7. affordable prices,affordable housing


  • 8. affordably priced apartments


  • afford (v.) Middle English aforth, from Old English geforðian "to put forth, contribute; further, advance; carry out, accomplish," from ge- completive prefix (which in Middle English regularly reduces to a-; see a- (1)) + forðian "to further," from forð "forward, onward" (see forth).
af·ford / əˈfɔːd ; NAmE əˈfɔːrd / verb 1 [no passive ] ( usually used with can, couldor be able to,especially in negative sentences or questions 通常与 can、could 或 be able to 连用,尤用于否定句或疑问句 ) to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do sth 买得起;(有时间)做,能做 affordsth Can we afford a new car? 我们买得起一辆新车吗? None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. 他们中没有哪个拿得出 50 英镑买一张票。 She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. 她觉得再也抽不出时间歇班了。 affordto do sth We can't afford to go abroad this summer. 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。 She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to. 尽管她坐得起出租汽车,但她从未坐过。 affordsth to do sth He couldn't afford the money to go on the trip. 他不够钱去这次旅行。 2 [no passive ] ( usually used with canor could,especially in negative sentences and questions 通常与 can 或 could 连用,尤用于否定句或疑问句 ) if you say that you can't affordto do sth, you mean that you should not do it because it will cause problems for you if you do 承担得起(后果) affordto do sth We cannot afford to ignore this warning. 我们对这个警告绝不能等闲视之。 ( formal) They could ill affordto lose any more staff. 他们再也不能损失员工了。 affordsth We cannot afford any more delays. 我们不能再有任何耽搁了。 3 ( formal) to provide sb with sth 提供;给予 affordsth The tree affords some shelter from the sun. 这棵树可以挡一挡太阳。 affordsb sth The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience. 这项计划给年轻人提供了获得工作经验的机会。 af·ford·abil·ity / əˌfɔːdəˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌfɔːrdəˈbɪləti / noun [uncountable ] af·ford·able / əˈfɔːdəbl ; NAmE əˈfɔːrdəbl / adjective affordable prices/housing 付得起的价格;买得起的住宅 OPP unaffordable synonyms at cheap af·ford·ably / ; NAmE / adverb affordably priced apartments 经济型公寓住宅 afford affords afforded affording af·ford / əˈfɔːd ; NAmE əˈfɔːrd / af·ford·abil·ity / əˌfɔːdəˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌfɔːrdəˈbɪləti / af·ford·able / əˈfɔːdəbl ; NAmE əˈfɔːrdəbl / af·ford·ably / ; NAmE /
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