affectionately 英 [ə'fekʃənətlɪ]   美 [ə'fɛkʃənɪtli]


affectionately  英 [ə'fekʃənətlɪ] 美 [ə'fɛkʃənɪtli]

adv. 亲切地;挚爱地 

A healer of nations and a mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela –or Madiba as he is affectionately known by millions –is a living symbol of wisdom, courage and integrity. 纳尔逊•曼德拉不仅愈合了民族创伤,是几代人的良师益友,而且是活生生的智慧、勇气和廉正象征——数百万人亲切地称他为“马迪巴”。
He said he did not try to resume his positions "even when I partially recovered my health a year later, although everyone, affectionately, continued to refer to me by those titles. 他说,“即便一年后,我的健康部分的恢复了,尽管每个人都亲切的继续用那些头衔称呼我”,他也没有试过恢复他的职务。

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  • adv. 亲切地;挚爱地
  • 1. A healer of nations and a mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela –or Madiba as he is affectionately known by millions –is a living symbol of wisdom, courage and integrity.


  • 2. He said he did not try to resume his positions "even when I partially recovered my health a year later, although everyone, affectionately, continued to refer to me by those titles.


  • 3. Premier Wen shook hands with them and Kayo Fukushima. Premier Wen also affectionately touched her little sister's face, a moment Kayo Fukushima would never forget.


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