across from  

across from

across from 

phrase. 在…对面 

I looked up at my friend sitting across from me. 我抬头看向坐在我对面的朋友。
Hong Kong police recently rounded up a network of triads by using an undercover operative who infiltrated one group in Kowloon, across from Hong Kong Island, a police spokesman said. 香港警方的一名发言人说,警方最近利用从香港本岛渗透进九龙一个三合会组织的卧底探员,围剿了三合会的一个犯罪网络。

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  • phrase. 在…对面
  • 1. I looked up at my friend sitting across from me.


  • 2. Hong Kong police recently rounded up a network of triads by using an undercover operative who infiltrated one group in Kowloon, across from Hong Kong Island, a police spokesman said.


  • 3. If you're sitting across from him at the table, graze his leg with yours.


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