acoustical 英 [ə'kuːstɪkəl]   美 [ə'kʊstɪkl]


acoustical  英 [ə'kuːstɪkəl] 美 [ə'kʊstɪkl]

adj. [声] 声学的;听觉的;音响的 

The ancient Greeks were aware of other acoustical principles, at least empirically. 至少在实践上,古希腊人也知道其他的声学原理。
Gregorian chant grew out of the acoustical characteristics of the Gothic cathedrals, and subsequently baroque music was written to accommodate the churches of the time. 罗马教皇的吟颂是在哥特式教堂的声学特性下发展起来的,随后巴洛克音乐被书写出来以迎合当时的教堂环境。

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  • adj. [声] 声学的;听觉的;音响的
  • 1. The ancient Greeks were aware of other acoustical principles, at least empirically.


  • 2. Gregorian chant grew out of the acoustical characteristics of the Gothic cathedrals, and subsequently baroque music was written to accommodate the churches of the time.


  • 3. This connection between sound and touch may run deep in the rest of us as well, Ro and colleagues said during presentations May 25 at a meeting of the acoustical Society of America.


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