ace 英 [eɪs]   美 [es]


ace  英 [eɪs] 美 [es]

n. 幺点;直接得分的发球;佼佼者;(俚)最好的朋友  adj. 一流的,突出的  vt. 以发球赢一分;击败 

进行时:acing  过去式:aced  过去分词:aced  第三人称单数:aces  名词复数:aces 

Your materials will be kept in ace files. 你的材料将被保留在ACE文件夹内。
But ace stands by its studies, pointing out that they were conducted by independent researchers at the University of Wisconsin. 但ACE仍坚持这项研究的观点。 指出,研究是由威斯康星大学的独立研究人员指导完成的。

  • An ace is a playing card with the highest value in a deck. There are four aces in a full deck of cards, each with a single heart, spade, diamond, or club pictured on it.
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  • n. 幺点;直接得分的发球;佼佼者;(俚)最好的朋友
  • adj. 一流的,突出的
  • vt. 以发球赢一分;击败
  • int. 太棒了;太好了
  • 1. Your materials will be kept in ace files.


  • 2. But ace stands by its studies, pointing out that they were conducted by independent researchers at the University of Wisconsin.

    但ACE仍坚持这项研究的观点。 指出,研究是由威斯康星大学的独立研究人员指导完成的。

  • 3. ace inhibitors work by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I to the potent vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II, thereby improving blood flow and blood pressure.


ace / eɪs ; NAmE eɪs / noun , adjective , verb ace aces noun 1 a playing cardwith a large single symbol on it, which has either the highest or the lowest value in a particular card game *A 纸牌(亦称“爱司”) the ace of spades/hearts/diamonds/clubs 黑桃╱红心╱方块╱梅花 A 2 ( informal) a person who is very good at doing sth 擅长…的人;精于…的人 a soccer/flying ace 足球╱飞行顶尖高手 an ace marksman 神枪手 3 (in tennis 网球 ) a serve(= the first hit) that is so good that your opponent cannot reach the ball 发球得分;爱司球 He served 20 aces in the match. 他在这场比赛中发了 20 个爱司球。 IDIOMS an ace up your ˈsleeve ( BrE) ( NAmE an ace in the ˈhole ) ( informal) a secret advantage, for example a piece of information or a skill, that you are ready to use if you need to 秘藏的王牌;应急的妙计;锦囊妙计 hold all the aces to have all the advantages in a situation 占尽天时地利人和 play your ˈace to use your best argument, etc. in order to get an advantage in a situation 打出王牌;使出绝招 within an ace of sth/of doing sth ( BrE) very close to sth 差一点儿;几乎 We came within an ace of victory. 我们差一点儿就要胜利了。 adjective ( informal) very good 第一流的;极好的 We had an ace time. 我们过得真痛快。 verb acesth ( informal) ( especially NAmE) to be successful in sth 在…中获得成功 He aced all his tests. 他通过了对他的所有测试。 ace / eɪs ; NAmE eɪs /
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