accented 英 [ˈæksentɪd]  


accented  英 [ˈæksentɪd]

adj. 带…口音的  v. 重读(accent的过去分词) 

Verify that sorted lists are correct, even if they include accented characters. 验证排序的列表是否正确(即使它们包含重音符号)。
"Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owlish eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone. “每个人参与一部分行动”迪贝罗说,他具有深陷的猫头鹰般的眼睛,及宾州男中音的口音。

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  • adj. 带…口音的
  • v. 重读(accent的过去分词)
  • 1. Verify that sorted lists are correct, even if they include accented characters.


  • 2. "Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owlish eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.


  • 3. Her dress was accented with camellia flowers on the shoulders and the pockets.


ac·cent·ed / ˈæksentɪd ; NAmE ˈæksentɪd / adjective 1 spoken with a foreign accent 带有异国口音的;带有他乡腔调的 He spoke heavily accented English. 他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。 2 ( technical 术语 ) spoken with particular emphasis 重读的 accented vowels/syllables 重读元音╱音节 3 ( technical 术语 ) (of a letter of the alphabet 字母 ) written or printed with a special mark on it to show it should be pronounced in a particular way 带有特定读音符号的 accented characters 标有特定读音符号的字符 ac·cent·ed / ˈæksentɪd ; NAmE ˈæksentɪd /
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