absurdly 英 [əb'sɜːdlɪ]   美 [əb'sɝdli]


absurdly  英 [əb'sɜːdlɪ] 美 [əb'sɝdli]

adv. 荒谬地;愚蠢地;悖理地 

Granted that this is an absurdly simplified account of brain development, it suffices to make a key point, which is that brains build themselves. 假设这是一个荒谬的脑部发展的简化描述,它可以成为一个关键点,也就是说大脑建立自己。
The Iron Man franchise should trust Downey more, trust that we want to hang out with Tony Stark as he putters in his absurdly high-tech workshop or nurses a hangover in a giant plaster donut. 《钢铁侠》剧组应该更信任小唐尼一些,应该相信我们观众愿意跟着托尼.斯塔克,看他在愚蠢的高科技工作室里无精打采地工作,或者在一大袋甜甜圈里清理宿醉。

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  • adv. 荒谬地;愚蠢地;悖理地
  • 1. Granted that this is an absurdly simplified account of brain development, it suffices to make a key point, which is that brains build themselves.


  • 2. The Iron Man franchise should trust Downey more, trust that we want to hang out with Tony Stark as he putters in his absurdly high-tech workshop or nurses a hangover in a giant plaster donut.


  • 3. And when, at length, we made an absurdly smooth start, without any semblance of adventure, I felt woefully disappointed.


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