absentia [æbˈsenʃiə]  


absentia  [æbˈsenʃiə]

n. 缺席;(拉)[内科] 失神;失踪 


Extradition is very often obstructed by the fact that a person condemned to death in absentia cannot be extradited for human-rights reasons. 引渡罪犯经常被如下现实原因所阻碍,即当某人在缺席的情况下被宣判死刑,会因为人权的理由而无法引渡。
He has already been convicted in absentia on those charges, but he is entitled to a new trial under French law. 他已因这些指控被缺席判刑,但根据法国的法律,他有权接受新的法庭审理。

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  • n. 缺席;(拉)[内科] 失神;失踪
  • 1. Extradition is very often obstructed by the fact that a person condemned to death in absentia cannot be extradited for human-rights reasons.


  • 2. He has already been convicted in absentia on those charges, but he is entitled to a new trial under French law.


  • 3. In 2008, Chad tried him in absentia and sentenced him to death for planning to overthrow the Chadian government.


ab·sen·tia / ; NAmE / in absentia ab·sen·tia / ; NAmE /
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