Zimbabwean   美 [zɪm'bæbwɪən]


Zimbabwean  美 [zɪm'bæbwɪən]

n. 津巴布韦人  adj. 津巴布韦的;津巴布韦人的(等于Zimbabwian) 


But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring the Zimbabwean government’s violence. 但是本周,它羞愧的在一份一致同意谴责津巴布韦政府暴力行为的声明上签字。
Wen said peace and stability in Zimbabwe not only benefit the Zimbabwean people, but are conducive to China-Zimbabwe relations. 温家宝说,津巴布韦实现和平稳定不仅造福津巴布韦人民,也有利于中津关系发展。

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  • n. 津巴布韦人
  • adj. 津巴布韦的;津巴布韦人的(等于Zimbabwian)
  • 1. But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring the Zimbabwean government’s violence.


  • 2. Wen said peace and stability in Zimbabwe not only benefit the Zimbabwean people, but are conducive to China-Zimbabwe relations.


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