VC 英 [ˌvi: ˈsi:]   美 [ˌvi'si]


VC  英 [ˌvi: ˈsi:] 美 [ˌvi'si]

abbr. 大学副校长(Vice-Chancellor);副主席(Vice Chairman);维多利亚十字勋章(Victoria Cross);风险投资(venture capital) 


Your local VC might not like this format, but I'm betting it will help your team think through the hard issues more clearly. 你们本地的风险投资家可能不喜欢这种格式,但是我敢打赌它能帮助你的团队把难题想得更清楚。
With regards to a VC that sees all of the competition, I have found that most VCs are very good at not leaking information across companies. 对于那些会看所有的竞争对手的VC,我发现他们中的大部分非常擅于保证信息不会在这些公司之间漏掉。

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  • abbr. 大学副校长(Vice-Chancellor);副主席(Vice Chairman);维多利亚十字勋章(Victoria Cross);风险投资(venture capital)
  • 1. Your local VC might not like this format, but I'm betting it will help your team think through the hard issues more clearly.


  • 2. With regards to a VC that sees all of the competition, I have found that most VCs are very good at not leaking information across companies.


  • 3. An experienced VC fund manager I have known for years told me recently that if a person does not know how to seriously twist the truth from time to time, he (she) cannot be an entrepreneur.


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