VAR [vɑr]  


VAR  [vɑr]

abbr. 加值型经销商(=Value Added reseller);视听范围(=visual-aural range);【计】变量(=variable,被用作定义变量的关键字);垂直机载火箭(Vertical Aircraft Rocket) 


This model can scale down to 10–100 employee value-added reseller (VAR) type of companies. 这个模型所适用的规模也可以是拥有10–100雇员的增值二手商(VAR)公司。
You will see some files in the /VAR/log directory that end with a number. These are rotated archives. 您将看到,/var/log 目录下有一些文件以一个数字结尾,这些是已轮循的归档文件。

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  • abbr. 加值型经销商(=Value Added reseller);视听范围(=visual-aural range);【计】变量(=variable,被用作定义变量的关键字);垂直机载火箭(Vertical Aircraft Rocket)
  • 1. This model can scale down to 10–100 employee value-added reseller (VAR) type of companies.


  • 2. You will see some files in the /VAR/log directory that end with a number. These are rotated archives.

    您将看到,/var/log 目录下有一些文件以一个数字结尾,这些是已轮循的归档文件。

  • 3. If it fails, look in /VAR/log/messages to determine the reason and then correct it.

    如果该命令失败,那么去查看 /var/log/messages,以确定原因并进行改正。

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