Univ ['junəv]  


Univ  ['junəv]

abbr. 综合性大学(university);宇宙的(universal) 


Now let's say we wanted as the next thing we'll do, is we're going to append the ivys to Univ. Stick another list on it. 让我们看看接下来应该干的,就是把ivys数组append到univ数组,也就是给univ数组再加一个数组。
Workplace Doctor cites a Univ. of Illinois study that suggests listening to music improves “all types of workers” output by 6.3%. 工人医生引用伊利诺伊州大学的研究说,听音乐能够使所有工人提高6.3%产出。

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  • abbr. 综合性大学(university);宇宙的(universal)
  • 1. Now let's say we wanted as the next thing we'll do, is we're going to append the ivys to Univ. Stick another list on it.


  • 2. Workplace Doctor cites a Univ. of Illinois study that suggests listening to music improves “all types of workers” output by 6.3%.


  • 3. The late Klaus Baer (Univ. of Chicago) felt it his duty to take aside all first year students and let them know there are no jobs in Egyptology, so quit now.


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