


n. 忒勒马科斯(希腊神话中奥德修斯和珀涅罗珀之子,助其父杀死向珀涅罗珀求婚的人) 

The suitors pretended to receive telemachus with joy at his return through secretly mortified at the failure of their plots to take his life. 求婚者装出一副为忒勒玛科斯的归来而高兴的样子迎接他,暗里却为没有把他杀掉而恼怒。
She then hired Telemachus Press LLC in Longboat Key, Fla., to act as her digital publisher, including formatting the manuscript, for about $3, 000. 接下来,她聘请佛罗里达州朗博特岛(Longboat Key)的Telemachus Press LLC出版公司作她的数字出版商,包括手稿排版在内,她一共花了大约3,000美元。

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  • n. 忒勒马科斯(希腊神话中奥德修斯和珀涅罗珀之子,助其父杀死向珀涅罗珀求婚的人)
  • 1. The suitors pretended to receive telemachus with joy at his return through secretly mortified at the failure of their plots to take his life.


  • 2. She then hired Telemachus Press LLC in Longboat Key, Fla., to act as her digital publisher, including formatting the manuscript, for about $3, 000.

    接下来,她聘请佛罗里达州朗博特岛(Longboat Key)的Telemachus Press LLC出版公司作她的数字出版商,包括手稿排版在内,她一共花了大约3,000美元。

  • 3. Telemachus, in Homer’s story of the Odyssey, tipped his vehicle vertically against a wall, while others removed their wheels in the evening (Gordon, 1978) to prevent warping.


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