


n. 霸王龙(游戏中角色);恐龙王(乐队名) 

Measurements of bones recovered from the site reveal that the new species was one hundredth the size of T-Rex. 对现场寻获的骨骼进行测量表明,这一新发现物种的体型是霸王龙的百分之一。
"The Tyrannosaur in Coahuila was a little smaller (than the T-Rex) but still nothing you would want to run into in a dark alley," said Sampson. “科阿韦拉的霸王龙要小些,但是你可不想在一个黑乎乎的小路上碰到它。”

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  • n. 霸王龙(游戏中角色);恐龙王(乐队名)
  • 1. Measurements of bones recovered from the site reveal that the new species was one hundredth the size of T-Rex.


  • 2. "The Tyrannosaur in Coahuila was a little smaller (than the T-Rex) but still nothing you would want to run into in a dark alley," said Sampson.


  • 3. Oh, they may say the beavers will be monitored and they’ll be good for the tourist industry. But that’s what Dickie Attenborough said about Jurassic Park just before the T-Rex ate his children.


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