Stalinism ['stɑlɪ,nɪzəm]  


Stalinism  ['stɑlɪ,nɪzəm]

n. 斯大林主义 


Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable. 辩护者提到斯塔林以及纳粹这些凶残的意识形态,并指出如果这些都能够被历史所接受那么托克马达和塔利班又算得了什么?
Interned in a German camp during World War II, she escaped to America and went on to make sense of the horrors of Nazism and Stalinism in her writing. 二战期间,阿伦特从一间德国拘役所逃往美国。 而在其著作中,她对纳粹主义和集权主义的恐怖之处做出了深度思考。

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  • n. 斯大林主义
  • 1. Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable.


  • 2. Interned in a German camp during World War II, she escaped to America and went on to make sense of the horrors of Nazism and Stalinism in her writing.

    二战期间,阿伦特从一间德国拘役所逃往美国。 而在其著作中,她对纳粹主义和集权主义的恐怖之处做出了深度思考。

  • 3. It has, however, been overshadowed by his last book, Nineteen Eighty-four (1949), a novel he wrote as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism.


  • Stalinism (n.) 1927, from Stalin + -ism. Related: Stalinist.
Sta·lin·ism / ˈstɑːlɪnɪzəm ; NAmE ˈstɑːlɪnɪzəm / noun [uncountable ] the policies and beliefs of Stalin, especially that the Communist party should be the only party and that the central government should control the whole political and economic system 斯大林主义(尤指共产党一党制及中央政府掌控政治经济) Sta·lin·ist / ˈstɑːlɪnɪst ; NAmE ˈstɑːlɪnɪst / adjective , noun Stalinist Stalinists Sta·lin·ism / ˈstɑːlɪnɪzəm ; NAmE ˈstɑːlɪnɪzəm / Sta·lin·ist / ˈstɑːlɪnɪst ; NAmE ˈstɑːlɪnɪst /
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