Somali   美 [so'mɑli]


Somali  美 [so'mɑli]

n. 索马里人;索马里语  adj. 索马里的 


Somali pirates generally do not steal goods or kill hostages. 索马里海盗一般不会盗取货物或杀害人质。
From birth, every Somali has his own judge who will sit on the court that willjudge him should he transgress the law. 自出生起,每一位索马里人就有自己的法官,如果他违背了法律,法官就会在法庭上审判他。

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  • n. 索马里人;索马里语
  • adj. 索马里的
  • 1. Somali pirates generally do not steal goods or kill hostages.


  • 2. From birth, every Somali has his own judge who will sit on the court that willjudge him should he transgress the law.


  • 3. The need for aid work in Mogadishu is overwhelming, but the determination and grace of the Somali people gives me the energy and inspiration to carry on with my work.


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