Sicilian [siˈsiljən]  


Sicilian  [siˈsiljən]

adj. 西西里岛的  n. 西西里岛人 


I hate to say this, since just a few weeks ago we did stop to give a delightful old Sicilian man a ride to the market on a blisteringly hot day. 我并不想说这样的话题,因为就在不久前在一个酷热的夏日里,我就在路上停下来把一个友好的西西里岛的老人送到了市场上去。
A dive in a swimming pool overlooking the bay of Palermo, surrounded by luxuriant gardens, cherished by the warmth of the Sicilian sun, delighted by a pleasant cocktail in our exclusive pool bar. 于游泳池中潜水,俯瞰巴勒莫海湾,环抱于花团锦簇的花园,享受着西西里岛阳光温暖的爱抚,在独特的池畔吧欢享一杯美味的鸡尾酒。

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  • adj. 西西里岛的
  • n. 西西里岛人
  • 1. I hate to say this, since just a few weeks ago we did stop to give a delightful old Sicilian man a ride to the market on a blisteringly hot day.


  • 2. A dive in a swimming pool overlooking the bay of Palermo, surrounded by luxuriant gardens, cherished by the warmth of the Sicilian sun, delighted by a pleasant cocktail in our exclusive pool bar.


  • 3. The period of Arab rule lasted until 1090, when the islands were taken by the Sicilian Normans, restoring Christianity again.


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