Siberian [sai'biəriən]  


Siberian  [sai'biəriən]

adj. 西伯利亚(人)的;来自西伯利亚的 


Russia will have to prove that its shelf continues the Siberian continental platform in order to enlarge its territory in the Arctic Ocean. 如果俄罗斯想扩大其在北冰洋的领土,那么它就必须证明其大陆架是西伯利亚大陆的延伸。
The next flu pandemic may be hibernating in an Arctic glacier or frozen Siberian lake, waiting for rising temperatures to set it free. Then birds can deliver it back to civilization. 未来的流感大流行可能蛰伏在北极冰川或冻结的西伯利亚湖泊之中,等到气温升高就会复活,然后由鸟类重新传播到文明世界。

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  • adj. 西伯利亚(人)的;来自西伯利亚的
  • 1. Russia will have to prove that its shelf continues the Siberian continental platform in order to enlarge its territory in the Arctic Ocean.


  • 2. The next flu pandemic may be hibernating in an Arctic glacier or frozen Siberian lake, waiting for rising temperatures to set it free. Then birds can deliver it back to civilization.


  • 3. In the shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf, methane simply doesn't have enough time to oxidize, which means more of it escapes into the atmosphere.


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