scarred ['ska:d]  


scarred  ['ska:d]

adj. 伤痕累累,有疤痕的;瘢痕性的 

Then, surgeons cut through the face and mouth, scraped out the sinuses and left patients bruised and scarred. 那时候,医生要切开患者的脸和嘴,割开患者的鼻窦,把病人弄的鼻青脸肿,伤痕累累。
They devote themselves to winning over residents scarred by decades of violence — some at the hands of the police. 他们使出全力赢取这些被数十年的暴力伤害过的居民们的信任,一些人在警察的手上受过折磨。

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  • adj. 伤痕累累,有疤痕的;瘢痕性的
  • 1. Then, surgeons cut through the face and mouth, scraped out the sinuses and left patients bruised and scarred.


  • 2. They devote themselves to winning over residents scarred by decades of violence — some at the hands of the police.


  • 3. But Afghanistan is scarred by decades of war and occupation.


  • scarred (adj.) mid-15c., past-participle adjective from scar (v.). Transferred use by c. 1600.
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