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- n. 撒克逊人
- adj. 撒克逊人的
1. Just why is there so much debt in the Anglo-Saxon world?
2. All men and women, rich and poor, white or colored, Anglo-Saxon or Latino, are to have the equal protection of equal laws.
- Saxon (n.) c. 1200, from Late Latin Saxonem (nominative Saxo; also source of French Saxon, Spanish Sajon, Italian Sassone), usually found in plural Saxones, probably from a West Germanic tribal name (represented by Old English Seaxe, Old High German Sahsun, German Sachse "Saxon"), traditionally regarded as meaning literally "warrior with knives" (compare Old English seax, Old Frisian, Old Norse sax "knife, short sword, dagger," Old High German Saxnot, name of a war-god), from Proto-Germanic *sahsam "knife," from PIE root *sek- "to cut." But Watkins considers this doubtful.
Saxon / ˈsæksn ; NAmE ˈsæksn / noun a member of a race of people once living in NW Germany, some of whom settled in Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries 撒克逊人(早期居住在德国西北部,后其中一部份于 5、6 世纪定居在不列颠) ☞see also Anglo-Saxon ▶ Saxon adjective ◆ Saxon churches/kings 撒克逊教堂╱国王 Saxon Saxons Saxon / ˈsæksn ; NAmE ˈsæksn /
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