SEN [sen]  


SEN  [sen]

n. 传感器(传感元件,探测设备)  abbr. 政府录用的护士 (State Enrolled Nurse) 


One interesting finding in the Roll Call analysis: Democrats, led by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, hold about 80% of the wealth in the Senate. 《点名报》在分析时发现有一个有趣的现象:在马萨诸塞州,民主党的领导人森约翰持有参议员大约80%的财富。
"I felt personally attacked, " he said. "In many ways, Sen. Craig is the same age and from the same kind of community and same period of time as I am. “我反而觉得自己被冒犯了,”他说,“因为在很多方面克雷格参议员和我是一样的——同样的年纪,来自同一种社会团体,生活在同一个年代。

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  • n. 传感器(传感元件,探测设备)
  • abbr. 政府录用的护士 (State Enrolled Nurse)
  • 1. One interesting finding in the Roll Call analysis: Democrats, led by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, hold about 80% of the wealth in the Senate.


  • 2. "I felt personally attacked, " he said. "In many ways, Sen. Craig is the same age and from the same kind of community and same period of time as I am.


  • 3. One of the many admirable quirks of Nan­sen's personality, rare for an explorer, was that he knew when to quit.


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