Resurrection [ˌrezə'rekʃən]  


Resurrection  [ˌrezə'rekʃən]

n. 复活;恢复;复兴 


Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the death. 基督教徒们庆祝耶稣基督的复活。
I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live. 我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹生。

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  • n. 复活;恢复;复兴
  • 1. Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the death.


  • 2. I am the Resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.

    我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹生。

  • 3. Kelly confessed, as I do and as Christians have for nearly 1,700 years, that "we look for the Resurrection of the dead.


  • resurrection (n.) c. 1300, originally the name of a Church festival commemorating Christ's rising from death, from Anglo-French resurrectiun, Old French resurrection "the Resurrection of Christ" (12c.) and directly from Church Latin resurrectionem (nominative resurrectio) "a rising again from the dead," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin resurgere "rise again, appear again" (see resurgent). Replaced Old English æriste; in Middle English sometimes translated as againrising.
res·ur·rec·tion / ˌrezəˈrekʃn ; NAmE ˌrezəˈrekʃn / noun 1 the Resurrection [singular ] (in the Christian religion 基督教 ) the time when Jesus Christ returned to life again after his death; the time when all dead people will become alive again, when the world ends 耶稣复活;(世界末日)所有亡者复活 2 [uncountable ,  singular ] a new beginning for sth which is old or which had disappeared or become weak 复苏;复兴 resurrection resurrections res·ur·rec·tion / ˌrezəˈrekʃn ; NAmE ˌrezəˈrekʃn /
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