RAF 英 [ˌɑ:r eɪ ˈef]   美 [ˌɑreɪ'ef]


RAF  英 [ˌɑ:r eɪ ˈef] 美 [ˌɑreɪ'ef]

abbr. 英国皇家空军(Royal Air Force) 


The winner was Dean Gunn, a former RAF pilot, flew almost 27.9 m. 前英国皇家空军飞行员迪恩滑翔了近27.9米,夺得冠军。
Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Team was in the area dealing with another incident when the alarm was raised and called in the rescue helicopter from RAF Valley on Anglesey. 欧哥文山谷救援队正在此地区处理另一起事件,就在这时,警报响了,而且在安格尔西岛的皇家空军谷已经召集了救援飞机。

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  • abbr. 英国皇家空军(Royal Air Force)
  • 1. The winner was Dean Gunn, a former RAF pilot, flew almost 27.9 m.


  • 2. Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Team was in the area dealing with another incident when the alarm was raised and called in the rescue helicopter from RAF Valley on Anglesey.


  • 3. One of the files documents the experiences of a retired RAF officer who said he saw a UFO while on holiday in Sri Lanka in April 2004 and sent the MoD supporting photographs.


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