QC 英 [ˌkju: ˈsi:]   美 [ˌkju'si]


QC  英 [ˌkju: ˈsi:] 美 [ˌkju'si]

abbr. 质量控制(Quality Control) 


A complete list is beyond the scope of this article, but it's probably safe to say that the first useful QC is still one or two decades away. 完整的列表已超出了本文的范围,但是还要再过一、二十年才会有第一个有用的 QC 的说法可能还是可靠的。
If the database system you are monitoring is for decision support (DSS), and the queries are long and complicated, don't have the quality control (QC) agent run a large query. 如果要监视的数据库系统是用于决策支持(DSS)的,查询比较长而且比较复杂,那么不要让质量控制(QC)代理运行大型的查询。

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  • abbr. 质量控制(Quality Control)
  • 1. A complete list is beyond the scope of this article, but it's probably safe to say that the first useful QC is still one or two decades away.

    完整的列表已超出了本文的范围,但是还要再过一、二十年才会有第一个有用的 QC 的说法可能还是可靠的。

  • 2. If the database system you are monitoring is for decision support (DSS), and the queries are long and complicated, don't have the quality control (QC) agent run a large query.


  • 3. Quantum Computing has the potential to shift this explosive growth into an even higher gear as QC's are used in the creation of faster and more powerful quantum computing elements.

    量子计算机具有潜力把这一爆炸式的发展转变的更具活力,如同 QC 用于创造更快更有力的量子计算元件一样。

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