Protestantism ['prɑtɪstənt,ɪzm]  


Protestantism  ['prɑtɪstənt,ɪzm]

n. 新教;新教教义;新教徒 


Baur's Tubingen school of Protestantism eventually turned out to be an extreme form of anti-supernaturalism. 鲍尔在图宾根的新教学校最终被证明是反超自然主义的某种极端形式。
So they get this interesting reversal that Protestantism was often a puritanical reaction against that until recently, when many believe sex, are quite happy with the idea. 因此在性上有个有趣的逆转,新教对于性一直都是严格禁欲的,反对的,直到最近人,都对性没有什么不爽。

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  • n. 新教;新教教义;新教徒
  • 1. Baur's Tubingen school of Protestantism eventually turned out to be an extreme form of anti-supernaturalism.


  • 2. So they get this interesting reversal that Protestantism was often a puritanical reaction against that until recently, when many believe sex, are quite happy with the idea.


  • 3. Voegelin extends his condemnation of Gnosticism not only to Hegel and Protestantism, but beyond it to virtually the entire modern world.


  • Protestantism (n.) 1640s, from French protestantisme or else formed from Protestant + -ism.
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