Peruvian 英 [pə'ru:vjən]  


Peruvian  英 [pə'ru:vjən]

adj. 秘鲁人的;秘鲁的  n. 秘鲁人 


Regarding the visit of the Peruvian President to China, I believe relevant authorities of China are keeping communication with Peru. I have no specific information to offer you now. 关于你提到的秘鲁总统访华情况,我相信中方有关部门正在和秘鲁方面保持沟通,我现在还无法向你们透露确切的消息。
According to Peruvian folklore, the dogs have above-average body temperature, which compensates for their lack of hair and helps alleviate symptoms of asthma or arthritis suffered by their owners. 根据秘鲁民间传说,无毛犬的体温高于普通品种,以补充因无毛带来的热量损失,并可帮助患有关节炎或哮喘的主人减轻病症。

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  • adj. 秘鲁人的;秘鲁的
  • n. 秘鲁人
  • 1. Regarding the visit of the Peruvian President to China, I believe relevant authorities of China are keeping communication with Peru. I have no specific information to offer you now.


  • 2. According to Peruvian folklore, the dogs have above-average body temperature, which compensates for their lack of hair and helps alleviate symptoms of asthma or arthritis suffered by their owners.


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