PM 英 [ˌpi: ˈem]   美 [ˌpi'em]


PM  英 [ˌpi: ˈem] 美 [ˌpi'em]

abbr. (拉)下午(Post Meridiem,等于afternoon);调相(Phase Modulation)  abbr. 产品经理(Product Manager) 


Feel free to skip over this section if you are already familiar with basic PM concepts. 如果您对 PM 的基本概念已经很熟悉了,那么您可以跳过本部分。
All of these decisions by the portfolio manager must be configured and included within the PM repository, in order to ensure correct monitoring and tracking. 项目组合经理做出的所有这些决策都必须被配置并包含于 PM 存储库中,为了确保正确的监控和跟踪。

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  • abbr. (拉)下午(Post Meridiem,等于afternoon);调相(Phase Modulation)
  • abbr. 产品经理(Product Manager)
  • 1. Feel free to skip over this section if you are already familiar with basic PM concepts.

    如果您对 PM 的基本概念已经很熟悉了,那么您可以跳过本部分。

  • 2. All of these decisions by the portfolio manager must be configured and included within the PM repository, in order to ensure correct monitoring and tracking.

    项目组合经理做出的所有这些决策都必须被配置并包含于 PM 存储库中,为了确保正确的监控和跟踪。

  • 3. Although only the project manager (PM) and project engineer (PE) should have privileges to close risks, there's nothing wrong with giving all team members privileges to raise risks.

    虽然只有项目经理(PM)和项目工程师(PE)应该具有权限 关闭风险,但是给团队的每一个成员 提出风险的权限是没什么不对的。

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