OP [ɑp]  


OP  [ɑp]

abbr. 观测所(Observation Post);绝版(Out of Print );操作员(Operater) 


This call might look strange, but remember that in this scenario the focus is on a cluster of applications using a trusted partner to act as the OP. 这个调用可能看起来有点儿奇怪,但是请记住,在这个场景中应用程序集群使用一个可信的伙伴作为 OP。
Just make sure to keep them because you will need them if your RP implementation chooses to form an association with the OP (as the sample application does). 一定要保留这些对象,因为当您的 RP 实现选择构建与 OP 的关联时,要用到它们(如示例应用程序)。

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  • abbr. 观测所(Observation Post);绝版(Out of Print );操作员(Operater)
  • 1. This call might look strange, but remember that in this scenario the focus is on a cluster of applications using a trusted partner to act as the OP.

    这个调用可能看起来有点儿奇怪,但是请记住,在这个场景中应用程序集群使用一个可信的伙伴作为 OP。

  • 2. Just make sure to keep them because you will need them if your RP implementation chooses to form an association with the OP (as the sample application does).

    一定要保留这些对象,因为当您的 RP 实现选择构建与 OP 的关联时,要用到它们(如示例应用程序)。

  • 3. There are technical hurdles that have to be cleared and NASA would need to extend Discovery's planned 11-day mission a day, but if the stars align it could be the photo OP of the year.


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