Nov. [nɑv]  


Nov.  [nɑv]

abbr. 十一月(November) 

Futures in New York have risen 10 percent since Nov. 18 and were trading at $89.94 a barrel at 11:40 a.m. in Singapore. 自十一月18 日以来,纽约商品交易所原油期货价格已经上涨了10%,而新加坡11:40 的价格报收于每桶89.94 美元。
The Daily Nation reported on Nov. 29 that Odinga told supporters in his constituency that gay people should be arrested because same-sex relationships are unnatural. 民族日报十一月29日报道,奥廷加告诉他的选区的支持者说,同性恋者应该被逮捕,因为同性关系是非自然的。

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  • abbr. 十一月(November)
  • 1. Futures in New York have risen 10 percent since Nov. 18 and were trading at $89.94 a barrel at 11:40 a.m. in Singapore.

    自十一月18 日以来,纽约商品交易所原油期货价格已经上涨了10%,而新加坡11:40 的价格报收于每桶89.94 美元。

  • 2. The Daily Nation reported on Nov. 29 that Odinga told supporters in his constituency that gay people should be arrested because same-sex relationships are unnatural.


  • 3. On it went: construction of thismakeshift outdoor arena began Nov. 1.


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