National Health Service  

National Health Service

National Health Service 

phrase. 英国的国民医疗保健制度 

The aim is to offer access to this National Health Service to everyone. 最终目标是给每个人提供这项国家医疗服务。
Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of National Health Service, remains elusive. 此外,建立国民健康服务体系,这个奥巴马先生最孚众望的立法目标仍然遥遥无期。

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  • phrase. 英国的国民医疗保健制度
  • 1. The aim is to offer access to this National Health Service to everyone.


  • 2. Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of National Health Service, remains elusive.


  • 3. Sweden built a large welfare state with a National Health Service, while the U. S. did not.


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