N.A. [,ɛn'e]  


N.A.  [,ɛn'e]

abbr. 北美洲(North America);不适用的(not applicable);无现货(not available) 

The performance in Manchester lacked the flair that is part of its D.N.A., but it was all that was needed. 曼联的比赛看似缺乏天分与激情,但谨慎稳妥正是这支队伍所需要的。
Thanks. I wanted to let you know those pikers at the N. A. S. D. Are off our ass. Fuckin' retard. Fuck you. I'm on vacation. 谢谢。我想你们知道那些证券交易商协会的胆小鬼已经被我们摆平了智障靠,我在度假。

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  • abbr. 北美洲(North America);不适用的(not applicable);无现货(not available)
  • 1. The performance in Manchester lacked the flair that is part of its D.N.A., but it was all that was needed.


  • 2. Thanks. I wanted to let you know those pikers at the N. A. S. D. Are off our ass. Fuckin' retard. Fuck you. I'm on vacation.


  • 3. C. a. n. a. d. a:Cute and naughty action developed into attraction.


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