Mt [ˌemˈtiː]  


Mt  [ˌemˈtiː]

abbr. 磁带(Magnetic Tape);平均时间(Mean Time);军事训练(Military Training);主计时器(Master Timer) 

Mt: Can you explain this gap in our self-knowledge in terms of a distinction between rationality and predictability? MT:你能否从理性和可预测性的区别的角度解释我们自我认识中的这一缺口?
If many members of the team are commuting great distances or working in an unconventional location (for example, the Mt. Everest summit), you must take this into account, as well. 如果团队的很多成员上下班都很远,或者在不太方便的地方工作(例如,珠穆朗玛峰顶),则必须将这也考虑进去。

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  • abbr. 磁带(Magnetic Tape);平均时间(Mean Time);军事训练(Military Training);主计时器(Master Timer)
  • 1. Mt: Can you explain this gap in our self-knowledge in terms of a distinction between rationality and predictability?


  • 2. If many members of the team are commuting great distances or working in an unconventional location (for example, the Mt. Everest summit), you must take this into account, as well.


  • 3. Your price is $500/Mt, twice of the other countries.


Mt ( also Mt. especially in NAmE ) abbreviation () (especially on maps 尤用于地图 ) mount Mt Kenya 肯尼亚山
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